Biotec range of products are used extensively for all forms of laboratory investigations owing to its accuracy and reliability in laboratory findings. The products are also known for its high quality and perhaps the simplest method ever developed in the history of Test Running. This has been overtime confirmed by reputable laboratory scientists in Nigeria and the world over.
Biotec products are manufactured to meet the British Standard and International Standard norms in scientific innovations and more importantly is the company's adaptation to the ever increasing demands of the scientific community in particular with the needs of the end user.

BIOTEC LABORATORY PRODUCTS (NIGERIA) was registered in Nigeria as a Sole Proprietor Company in May, 1995 and today has grown to a Limited Company. Our objectives were as follows: To hold stock of commonly used Biotec products with a view to ensuring that distribution stock level are maintained at all times. To ensure that the quality Biotec offers is not compromised or adulterated. To forestall monopoly by distributors thereby ensuring that the end users get the benefit of good prices. To occasionally arrange training sessions specifically designed for indigenous Laboratory Scientists of established Medical Organizations. This is necessary in order to update our local Scientists in the ever increasing innovations in the scientific society and more importantly on how to use our range of products with a view to maximizing test result findings. Above all, to contribute our quota to the development of health care Nigeria and world over by ensuring that the end users problems and the ideas they have are tackled at sight - we are very much customer led. Since inception Biotec Laboratory Products (Nigeria) has kept faith judiciously with the set objectives above. We will comfortably claim that our range of products are extensively supplied to Medical and Quality Control Laboratories all over Nigeria.